Why the New Nissan Nismo Smart Watch Is Good for Mobile Marketers



As the wearables tech space continues to heat up, a new competitor has just entered the arena.  Nissan (yes the automotive manufacturer) has released a new smart watch called “Nismo”.  The new Nissan Nismo smart watch is said to connect the driver with the car.  There are several car manufacturers that have stated that they have or will  connect their car to the internet particularly Audi who has a model coming out next year with full connectivity to the internet.  However, Nissan’s new Nismo smart watch will supposedly connect the car to the driver giving him / her amazing statistics.  It’s definitely an interesting device.

The real question that my readers wnat to know is this:

How can mobile marketers take advantage of this new Nissan Nismo smart watch?

I believe that the new Nissan Nismo smart watch will allow mobile marketers to market to the consumer or user via SMS text, video marketing, app marketing, banner advertising along with other mobile marketing technologies.  The challenge will be to optimize it to the smart watch. However, those challenges are being overcome because the technology continues to evolve and develop to a point that we can market over these technologies.  I believe that time is here.  Google will definitely will be advertising over these technologies.  Mobile marketers will be there as well.  Keep your eyese open as we continue to monitor these devices and discuss the opportunities that present themselves on these technologies.

The video below will show you how the Nissan Nismo smart watch works.  It’s rumored to be only for those that own high performance Nissan cars but that will change in no time if true.  You can envision the opportunities that will present themselves to mobile marketers.


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About Ed Rivera

Ed Rivera is a technology speaker and blogger at www.Carinico.com where he discusses how small and medium sized businesses can benefit from mobile marketing technologies. He also writes about the future of mobile technologies.