Why Your Website Should Be on Multi-Screens

mobile marketing multi-screens

Why your business needs to be on multi-screens


Today’s consumer habits have changed over the last 5 years with respect to technology and their shopping habits.  Consumers want everything inexpensive and quickly.  They are armed with technology that can provide them with instant information with most products and businesses have taken notice.  Today’s businesses are now following consumers around the web because the consumer is utilizing several screens including computer screen, tablet, smartphone and the internet connected TV.   Every business ‘s objective is to have a mobile optimized site that exists on these screens to meet the demands of the consumer.  What is more interesting is that consumers are constantly switching and shopping between these screens.  To better explain this, I shall use Gap Inc as an example which you can reference to better understand the consumer switching between screens.


gap mobile


Gap Inc does a great job in existing on multi-screens including smartphones and tablets of different sizes, laptop and TVs by deploying several different technologies including mobile responsive website design.  Mobile responsive allows the website to respond to the different sized screens so that the business can exist on different screens.  That is just one of the ways in which screens can be adopted to different sized screens.

Multi Device to purchase

As I mentioned above, smartphones come in several different sized screens.  The tablet is in different sized screens as well with 7″ and 9.8″ being the most popular.  The consumer is using these different sized screens are are shifting betwen them either using them simultaneously or switching between them.  This consumer behavior has an affect on shopping and consuming media.  Google has provided excellent research and one of their slides is below supporting the multi-screen habit.

Multi screen for blog

The bottom line is businesses must have mobile optimized websites and need to exist on all of the screens in order to be able to influence the consumer.  Their habits are changing and so should the businesses that now follow  them.


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About Ed Rivera

Ed Rivera is a technology speaker and blogger at www.Carinico.com where he discusses how small and medium sized businesses can benefit from mobile marketing technologies. He also writes about the future of mobile technologies.